This is an aside, that I would only feel comfortable sharing in this group of clients.
Tiffani dropped 42 Pounds, 37 inches, and 4 dress sizes, while completely changing over to a healthy lifestyle, over a 2 year period.
While inspiring her family and friends to adopt habits that will serve them well the rest of their lives.
This is a SIGNIFICANT lifetime accomplishment.
BUT if your head isn’t in the right place you’re going to focus on the…
“2 years.”.
And think “Gosh 2 years”.
But you know what…
The time would have passed ANYWAY.
And now because she INVESTED, instead of wasting, her time she has a life changing return.
As one of my mentors Kat Lotrezo says to her clients….
“Eventually you’re going to have to admit that it just takes time.
How much?
As long as it fucking takes is how much.
Are you in, or are you out?”
The decision is yours.
Your Coach
Dave Fannin
How this Mom of 3 Dropped 42 Pounds, 37 Inches, and 4 Dress Sizes!
Tiffani, 47, is a very busy wife and Mom of 3 active daughters.
After raising her girls, taking on her sisters children to raise, and caring for her ailing parents for 3 years…
She found herself at her heaviest weight ever of 205 pounds.
As she said, she’d totally neglected her own needs for so long to meet the needs of others it got away from her.
In the past 2 years, she’s dropped 42 pounds, 37 inches, and 4 dress sizes!
She talks about how after her initial loss of 30 pounds she underwent a hysterectomy, gained 10 back.
And how she mentally focus to “get right back at it” to keep going after that temporary set back.
She also shares the #1 Nutrition change she made that had the biggest impact on her results.
She talks about the mythology of meal prep and how it can be overwhelming for most people, and how she keeps it simple.
And the trick she used to go from being addicted to Dr. Pepper and drive thru’s to eating in a way that supported her goals.
Now after 18 years as a stay at home mom, she’s going back to work in clothes smaller than she got married in 26 years ago.
She’s literally in better shape at 47 than she was in her 20’s.
Tiffani also shares how her daughters have begun exercising after seeing the amazing changes in their Mom.
As Tiffani says “It’s the MOST IMPORTANT THING EVER” that her daughters followed her example.
She says “I’m in it for the long haul, I want to be around for my grandkids!”
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