Clients ONLY: Why It’s the WHO that Matters Most
Over the weekend I got to meet up with 6 other fitness coaches in Madison Wisconsin.
Some coach weight loss and fitness to busy working professionals like we do.
Or they coach sports performance to adults, kids athletic specialties, and women only also.
Every variety is represented.
We meet up every 6 months, lock ourselves in a room for 12 hours for 2 days straight.
And we talk about what’s working with clients and what’s not working.
I always walk out of there a little better than I was before I went in.
And I have a plan to execute over the next 6 months to help improve The Body Firm sometimes just a little bit sometimes a lot.
I’m always glad I went.
This is why the 4th Pillar of the Body Firm Program is group support, coaching, and accountability.
To move forward with certainty you’ve got to get around some like minded people.
People that may be a different size or shape than you, but with the same goals.
Like to eat in a healthy manner, to workout regularly, to drop body fat, to get stronger, to make these habits permanent.
And it’s more important than you realize to get and stay around these like minded people.
They GET IT and they GET YOU.
I can guarantee when you get up at 4:30am to workout at 5am and you’re back at the house before anyone is awake and you eat a healthy breakfast, then get the rest of your family safely out the door.
When you get to work 4 hours later no one is clapping for you and telling you what a great job you’re doing.
Even though you probably deserve it!
Because most people DON’T GET IT.
Most people are trying to do as little as possible to get though the day.
But that’s NOT you.
So to stay on track you’ve got to regularly join others that have your same goals, desires, and habits.
These are the people that get you.
These are the people that make it worth showing up for,
And when you’re here they make it a little easier to push a little harder and celebrate your victories.
It’s not about the what.
It’s not about the where.
It’s about the WHO you choose to be around.
The WHO is what holds it all together.
It’s the WHO that matters most.
Choose wisely.
Talk soon