Fort Worth Personal Training CLIENTS ONLY: What To Do On The Other Days?
What to Do On the Other Days?
Common question, especially from new clients.
The key here is remembering that Showing Up is the MOST important part of the exercise plan.
It’s not even the exercise habit you’re looking to establish.
It’s the SHOWING UP habit.
Your first 2 weeks in the program-just focus on getting to the door on your training days. Anything else is overkill. (If you’re still struggling at 2 weeks change this to the first 4 weeks/month of single minded focus to show up on your training days)
Weeks 2-8 Begin to add in 20 min of easy exercise on the other days. EASY being the key word here.
As Dan John say’s “If it’s important, do it everyday.”
You want to be able to recover from training with us.
Killing yourself on your “off” days will cause problems and your chance of injury goes up.
WHAT exercise to do? 20min of walking, light jogging, elliptical it doesn’t really matter. As long as it’s easy to do and you enjoy it.
Week 8 until you’re 100 years old-2/3 Training sessions with us per week and 2/3 days of exercise that you find fun and enjoyable.
Shoot for 6 days per week.
This can be Yoga, Spin, Fitness Boot Camp, Orange Theory, Zyn-22, cardio, cycling, swimming, running.
You do you. There’s no wrong answer here.
As long as you find it fun and invigorating that’s ALL that matters.
If you’re feeling flat and lack energy, take a day off.
You’re in this for the LONG RUN, think of it that way.
Tell me what works for you below.
Add any questions or comments share them below also.