“You could just as easily change your life today as any other day. You don’t need to wait for January first”
-Dan Kennedy
One of the best things about having coached a lot of different clients.
I can see trends over time about what is and what isn’t working.
And as important if not even more important than focusing on what is working, is to avoid those things that have proven themselves NOT to work.
To lose weight and drop weight you need to know NOT to do these 3 things.
Waiting for the right time to start an exercise program and eating better is always the WORST idea ever.
80% of my time is invested in conveying to potential clients that this thing they’ve needed to do for 10 years, and 40 pounds ago…
They don’t need to “think about it any longer”.
The BEST time to take action is right NOW.
And you can make adjustments along the way.
Kids, jobs, tight schedules, travel, injuries, parents to care for, no schedule, and tight schedules these are all the things we call life and part of coaching is to help you get in shape while life is going on.
This is normal.
Now not later.
Today not tomorrow.
2) Lack of Patience/Focusing on the wrong thing.
Results that you can see on the scale
and in the mirror take TIME….
The people I see that drop before they make progress are always overly focused on the number on the scale.
When what they REALLY should be focused in on is their day to day behaviors.
The scale doesn’t just magically move because you show 2 out of your 3 scheduled days a week while sneaking in 2 or 3 cheat meals a week because you “deserve it”.
The scale moves when your day to day behaviors.
Like each day are you
-eating whole foods and avoiding
processed junk
-drinking a gallon of water
-focusing on getting in enough protein
-getting enough sleep to feel good
-avoiding alcohol
-showing up to your workout
-speaking to like minded supportive people
All of these behaviors are daily.
When you get that right.
The outcomes take care of themselves.
Have you ever joined a gym, lost motivation and stopped showing up after a week, even though they continued to charge you for an entire year?
Have you started a “walking program” only to fall off the wagon the first week it rained, or was too hot, or too cold?
Have you ever went to the gym, walked on the treadmill for 20 min then wandered through the free weight room with no idea how to get started. Then stopped going because you were frustrated with not seeing progress.
These are all symptoms of not having the support you need to get the results you want.
If you look at it, people rarely if ever accomplish anything of significance without support from others.
We go to school with our peers and have a teacher to guide our group.
We’re part of families and extended families who encourage us.
We work with other people and have mentors to support and guide our careers.
Why would dropping weight and getting in shape be any different.
And people fool themselves into believing THEY will be the exception every day and weeks later when they’ve fallen back into old habits, they’re too embarrassed to seek help.
Don’t be that person.
Get the support and coaching you need to be successful from the beginning.
So there are the 3 BIGGEST Mistakes I see people making and now you know what NOT TO DO.
Take action now.
Focus on your daily behaviors over time.
Get the support and coaching you need from the beginning.
If you’re frustrated from starting and stopping programs before you can get the results you want and build the habits you need?
We can help.
Get the Accountability, Coaching,Nutrition, Workouts, and Group Support to finally see the results you deserve.
The first step is a brief (10m) phone consult with me.
Click Here=>Fast Start Consult
On the call I’ll want to learn more about you and what you’re looking to accomplish.
On that same call I can give you more detailed information on our programs.
Click Here=>Fast Start Consult
P.s. The time will pass. The money will be spent somewhere. Take action and get the results you want to live the life you want.
Click Here=>Fast Start Consult