What is a good alternative for Diabetics that use the sweetener in place of real sugar? My brother is Type I and several others in my extended family are Type II diabetics. The use of artificial sweeteners is therefore a common practice in their daily lives, family recipes and gatherings. Any suggestions on a healthier alternative(s)? I have done a bit of research on this topic, but there is so much misinformation out there, it is difficult to filter it all. -E.D.
E.D.’s question was in regards to the Dangers of Aspartame article. If diabetics must eliminate real sugar, aspartame and other artificial sweeteners are used as a replacement for sweetness in diabetic foods and recipes.
Stevia is thought to be the safest artificial sweetener because it derived from a plant, therefore it is considered to be somewhat of a natural sugar. Stevia is 300 times sweeter than sugar, so a little goes a long way, and is completely safe for diabetics.
The best answer, though? Stay away from it. Sugar is unnecessary, and artificial sweeteners are unnecessary. Yeah, sweet treats taste good and we all want a treat every once in a while, but it is not something you need to have in your diet. I know it sucks, and one more thing that makes diabetics feel different, but if you think about it, it’s the perfect set up to maintain a healthy diet. Most people have to fight tooth and nail to avoid sweets- diabetics have the added incentive of health risks to keep them away from unnecessary foods.
Fresh fruits, veggies, lean proteins and complex carbs are always the best diet, and help keep diabetics healthy and their bloodsugar stable.
In Good Health,
Kelly Turner
Kelly Turner is a Seattle area ACE Certified Personal Trainer, health and fitness writer and editor of the fitness website, PhysiqueSpeak.com. To contact Kelly with any questions, you can email her at kellycturner@hotmail.com.