Hope you’re having a great day!
First week of a brand new month, after what I suspect has been 6 to 8 weeks of what we’ll just call “questionable choices”.
It’s a good time to take action.
Just one tiny little action that can set in motion a transformation.
Whether you want to drop 5-15 or even 50lbs or more.
Today I’m going to show you 2 fat loss secrets That can and will help you lose as much weight as you want.
As quickly as you want.
By the way these are the tips and tricks that I use with my private clients, small group coaching and boot-campers to get outstanding results.
This stuff works.
If you’re ready to melt away the extra pounds, boost your energy, and feel years younger stay with me.
“What’s the quickest way for me to get in shape?”
This is the most popular question I am asked.
The real question is:
“How can I lose weight, burn fat, tone up, drop a few sizes, feel better and become more confident?”
Here are 2 simple (yet incredibly powerful) fat loss secrets.
The answer is simple.
In fact, it is too simple:
1)Keep a food journal.
2)Use inefficient exercises.
Remember simple does not always mean easy….
And the food journal (nutrition) is 85% of your results the inefficient exercise 15%.
We’ll cover exercise first. Why inefficient exercise?
Think about it. If your car is running inefficiently it burns more fuel, right? It’s the same thing for your body and choice of exercise.
Believe me, the type of exercises we do here is very inefficient because of the movement, breathing.
Think jumping jacks. Feel like you’re in shape? Stand up and do 20-30 jumping jacks right now. You’ll quickly see what I mean by inefficient.
Throwing your entire body around like this requires
A LOT of energy! It’s inefficient. It’s meant to be inefficient.
This kind of stuff burns a lot of unwanted calories.
If you want more exercise programming that drives the scale down and delivers see it in the mirror results. In a friendly, fun, supportive environment?
It is Bring-A-Friend-Fortnight for the next week so if you’d like to experience our Accelerated Results Programs for the next 7 days completely free.
Call Meghan at the office 817-320-0743 and let her know you’re coming out!
Onto weight loss and nutrition…
Believe me, all of my clients (and anyone who attends my Rapid Fat Loss and Nutrition Crash Courses) will tell you that the first thing I recommend is a food journal.
(It’s not the only way, but it’s a very good way to deal with nutrition)
They get great results. Fast.
You don’t even have to write it down. A cool fitness app like Myfitnesspal.com will let you do it on your phone. It’s the bomb-to body-fat.
Without exception, everyone is very surprised with their eating habits.
If you want to control your body weight and appearance, you have to see what you’re eating.
When you become more aware ALL kinds of good things start to happen.
Simple, right?
Here are some comments I’ve heard from those who have stuck with the food journal since my Women’s ONLY Rapid Fat Loss Seminar-3 weeks ago.
“I’m 12 pounds down and I’m on a mission to get to 25!”
“I have to take my work clothes to be taken in”
“I no longer have that little “pudge” below my belly button.”
These are just a few.
Take action an begin keeping a food journal today.
Track everything that you eat and drink. For just the next 7 Days. (You can do this AND workout with us!)
Most importantly, track how what you’re eating and drinking makes you feel.
Once you have your information, begin removing all of the unhealthy food and begin replacing it with good supportive food. (Use my 100 Best Foods For Fat Loss as a cheat sheet)
This is a start and if you’d like to get a fool proof plan, coaching and the support you need to truly transform you body quickly, call Meghan at the office to set up a session with me.
The next 30 days are all yours
You can lose 12-15lbs before the end of August, feel better than you have in years, while making people wonder just how you did it.
The time will pass anyway-have something to show for it.
I believe in you.
Talk soon.
P.s. The Bring-A-Friend-Fortnight ends August 11th! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to workout inour programs as much as you want completely FREE for the next 7 days!
If you’re ready call Meghan at 817-320-0743 and
she’ll take care of you!
P.P.s. Like I’ve said before, I know how scary and intimidating it can be to show up to join a group of people you’ve never met before and exercise. We’ll make sure you have everything you need to get through your first session.
Friends take care of friends.
Call Meghan 817-320-0743 NOW.