If you’ve got kids going back to school this week good luck to you!
It’s transition time, you can feel it!
You may be getting back into the gym after a summer of too many hot dogs. Or perhaps you’re gearing up to get in the best shape of your life in the next 12 weeks before Thanksgiving.
No matter where you’re at.
I want to share with you 3 rarely talked about qualities that you need to have to insure your weight loss success.
See, the mechanics of fat loss, the diet and exercise that get maximum results in minimum time. We’ve got that dialed in. That’s the easy part.
It’s your mind-set and attitude that really have a profound affect on your long term success.
Your mind will literally make or break you in this this process.
So let’s talk about the 3 qualities that you need, or need to develop to get real lasting results.
1. You’ve got to be determined and have defined goals.
Simply wanting to “lose weight and tone up” isn’t going to get the job done here.
Vague ideas and guessing don’t have any place in the process of getting real results.
For starters ask yourself these 3 questions.
1.What’s your currrent weight and your goal weight? (If you’re not sure of your goal weight, what weight do you feel your best at? That’s your goal weight)
2.What size clothes you’re currently in and what size do you feel best in?
3.If you’re looking in the mirror what do you want to see different? Smaller arms? Tighter toned thighs, hips and bottom? Flatter stomach?
Focus on what you want. Not what you don’t want. Knowing exactly what you want and why you want it will keep you going when the going gets tough…and the going will get tough at some point.
2. You’ve got to start where you’re at and be willing to take imperfect action.
There is no perfect time to get started. You can’t sit around and wait for the perfect time to start.
Because the perfect time will never ever come.
Start right where you are. And let everything else fall into place.
You can’t wait for your friend to join either. Because most likely they’re not, and you’re on your own. But you do it anyway.
And you have to build, in yourself, the ability to take imperfect action.I really struggled with this, and it set me back years. I thought all failure was final and it’s not. It’s all part of the game.
Because in the process of losing weight and getting into shape you’re going to fail, sometimes alot.
Stopping when you screw up, eat a donut, miss a workout, whatever. Would be like seeing a speed bump in the road, turning around and driving home.
You’ve got to realize failure isn’t fatal. It’s just a speed bump on your road to success. Cheesy maybe,but true.
Failing is part of the success process.
Plan on success but when you do screw up give yourself a break, and keep moving forward.
3. Be Fearless
Fear of success(believe it or not) and fear of failure will keep you from achieving your dreams more than all other things combined. Fearlessness may not be something you have when you start. But just getting started will help.
You develop fearlessness through taking action.
The more action, the less fear.
This is where you hear clients in their success stories talking about “increased confidence” being one of the benefits to getting into shape.
They sure didn’t have that “increased confidence” when they started. They developed it, over time and through the process(action) of dropping the weight.
Look, in the process of losing weight and getting into shape you’re going to struggle and fail at times.
But what separates the success stories and those who continue to struggle is a powerful little thing called resiliency.
The ability to get knocked down and get back up, fast.
The faster you can brush off a failure, get back on your feet, and keep taking action, the faster and greater your results will appear.
Resiliency is vital to your success and it can be developed through practice.
So practice recovering quickly. Screw up,recover, back on track as fast as possible. That’s a plan.
These are the 3 intangibles, you rarely hear about for fast success.
But they’re always there running in the background of every successful client.
And you can be develop every one of them through practice.
I believe you can do it, so do it!
Now get started.
Talk soon.
P.s.If you would like to get in the best shape of your life in less time than you thought possible. Request a Free Consult for my VIP Fitness Coaching program.
Click Here=>VIP Fitness Coaching
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