Most people don’t think about exercising consistently until they need to lose weight. (Ever think that perhaps you got to the point where you needed to lose weight was because you didn’t exercise? Just sayin’.) That’s when they call up a gym, or a personal trainer and vow to diet and exercise like until they drop the weight and then can quit.
It doesn’t work that way.
Exercise isn’t only for those who need to lose weight, and it definitely isn’t something you do for a while until you hit your goal and then stop. Exercise isn’t about weight- losing and maintaining your weight is a side effect- it’s about taking care of your body and improving your health.
Exercise isn’t a quick way to scorth the calories from Twinkies past, it’s a way to keep your body running in top condition. It’s training for a disease free life.
Everyone needs to exercise. Fat, thin, sick, healthy, injured, athlete, young and old- everyone needs to exercise consistently. Try and think of someone that doesn’t need to exercise. Go ahead, toss ’em at me.
Skinny! Thin does not equal health, and lack of muscle strength will lead loss of bone density and decreased performance in everyday tasks. Next.
The Already Fit! In order to maintain that fitness, you must continue to exercise. Cardiovascular function will decrease and that awesome six pack will fade. Next.
The Woman That Just Hit Her Weight Loss Goal! Congrats! But to maintain that weight loss you need to consistently hit the gym and continue to eat a healthy diet.
Plus, I’m pretty sure none of the people above want to get cancer, osteoperosis or have a stroke.
We sit, A LOT, today, and hitting the gym is like making up for all those hours we spend motionless in front of computers and TVs. If you don’t counteract it, everyone, you will shrivel up and break down. No exaggerating.
Get moving.
In Good Health,
Kelly Turner
Kelly Turner is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and health and fitness writer from Seattle, WA. Her writing has appeared in numerous magazines, and she currently blogs for Breathe Magazine, is the Health and Fitness Expert for and feature fitness writer for To contact Kelly with any questions, you email her at
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