Fort Worth Personal Trainer: Joshua and the Power of a Coach
Yesterday I had the opportunity to see something great.
Well really 2 things…
To see my youngest meet a physical goal, struggle, and then go beyond it.
And I also got a glimpse of the true life changing power that a coach can have on a client.
To get to his next belt Joshua had to break a board.
As you can see in the video..
He follows his coaches directions and sets up.
Raises his hand.
Comes down as hard as possible and…
He bounces right off the board.
He goes again with the same bad result.
At 57 seconds the coach stops him and say’s “Look at me”
Only then, with that child’s full attention he say’s
“You got this”
And then patiently walks him into the goal..
Step by step.
Move by move.
And count by count, right there with him.
And then..
What’s could this possibly have to do with you a full grown functioning adult and your weight loss and fitness goals?
Quite often when you’re attempting to do something brand new.
Or something you’ve tried before and you’ve struggled and failed over and over before.
And you’re filled with self-doubt and your inner voice keeps saying “Can I really do this?”
Quite often you need to have someone that…believes in you and stays with you long enough for you to believe in you.
When a new client comes in to meet with me for the first time and describes their goals.
I can SEE them attaining those goals.
Because I’ve seen so many come before them and then take the necessary steps to hit their goals (or if you want to think about it this way, break their board)
I believe in them.
Because I KNOW they can do it.
Just as this coach could foresee this child reaching his goal.
That’s the REAL power of the relationship.
Someone that believes in you long enough…
For you to believe in you.
P.s. If you’ve struggled on your own to get the traction and consistency you need to get to your goals we can help.
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