Fort Worth Personal Trainer: Protein Powders, Bars, or Pre-Mixed What Works BEST? (VIDEO)
If you’re struggling to clean up your diet, get in the right amount,of nutrition, and want to see results sooner than later….
Supplements can help you get results faster and easier thanever before.
BUT you want to use them wisely.
There are powders, bars, and pre-mixed protein and meal replacement shake
everywhere you look and it can be overwhelming and confusing.
Today I talk about the Supplement Pyramid and best practices for using supplements to get results.
What you should use and when.
And what type of supplement you should never use on a daily basis if you can help it.
Click the Video to Play
P.s. Are you tired of being tired, clothes not fitting, avoiding shopping or social engagements because you’re not happy withyour appearance? We can help.
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