Fort Worth Personal Trainers: Monday Quick Tip-The RULE of 5 (VIDEO)
I’d be lying if I said you could expect every day you’re in the gym and every workout to be nothing but rainbows and puppies.
Because it’s NOT.
You’re going to have some BAD days.
You WILL meet Resistance.
And you will question your own decisions and commitment on those days where you’re just not feeling your best.
And it’s all part of the game.
But the “RULE OF 5” is an unwritten Law you can rely on.
Especially on those days in the gym when the weights feel heavier than normal your legs and feet feel heavy and you’re just struggling.
In the video, I share with you how to mentally manage those bad days.
And why, even though it doesn’t feel like it at the time, you’re still making progress.
Click the Video to Play
P.s. There are 12 Weeks until the NEW YEAR. If you’d like to go into 2018 leaner, lighter, stronger and feeling better than you have in years?
We can help.
Click Here=>Fast Start Consult
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