Fort Worth Personal Trainers: How To Overcome Resistance and Finally Get The Results You Want (VIDEO)
A word of warning this newsletter won’t be anything like the 3 Best Ab Exercises or #1 Food to Burn Fat.
But you need to be prepared if you’re looking to make major or even minor positive changes to your life.
You will encounter Resistance.
If you have ever attempted to start an exercise program and improve your eating.
Only to fall off the wagon and stop before you could actually, see results and get some momentum.
You’re not alone.
And it’s NOT your imagination.
What you ran into is called Resistance.
Resistance is described by the writer Stephen Pressfield in his book Do The Work.
He describes Resistance and it’s allies: self-doubt, procrastination, timidity, perfectionism narcissism, our own intelligence and even friends and family.
These are the powerful forces that are arrayed against us anytime we’re attempting to make a positive change and/or create something new in our life.
This can be launching a business, creating a work of art, improving our relationships, or attempting to lose weight and get in shape.
I see it all the time with clients that start a program.
Invariably when you draw a line in the sand and say “I’m not going to live in a way that makes me fat, sick, and tired. I’m going to build an exercise habit and eat better starting now!”
You WILL run into Resistance…
Your kids will get sick
Your spouses job hours change
Your car break will break down
Your Grandmother will get sick
Your job hours will change
You will be pulled out of town on business
You will be so physically sore you’ll question your own resolve
You’ll put off going to the grocery store and get stuck in a drive thru
Friends will try to sabotage you
This is ALL NORMAL Resistance
So you need to know it will happen and have a plan to defeat it.
As Pressfield say’s “There are allies you can employ to defeat Resistance”
The BIG 3 he recommends are
#1 Stupidity: Because a really smart person may look at a goal of losing 30-50 even100 pounds or more as impossible.
He say’s that ignorance and ignorance are indispensable allies for you.
You must be clueless enough not to realize how difficult the task will be and cocky enough to believe you can pull it off anyway.
You do this by staying stupid and not allowing yourself to think.
You need to ACT. Not think. ACT.
(This is why I stress that in the beginning, you must focus on one thing and one thing only.
Showing up)
#2 The Second great ally is Stubbornness.
You need to keep going once you’ve committed to action.
As Resistance piles up more and more doubt and other obstacles, the worst thing you can do is stop at this point.
As Pressfield says “We’re in until the finish. We will sink our junkyard-dog teeth into Resistance’es ass and not let go, no matter how hard he kicks.”
And finally
#3 Blind Faith…
Blind faith is the belief in something you can’t see, hear, touch, taste, and feel.
It’s your ability to sustain belief in what you are doing.
And this Blind Faith will be an absolute necessity to you in the beginning when you’re working your ass off in the gym, turning down happy hours with your friends, eating things you’re not used to, and you’re Not seeing results just yet.
Yes, you’ll need some Blind Faith in the process to overcome Resistance.
As Pressfield says’ “It’s your belief in what can and will exist beyond the current reality.”
Pressfield suggests these steps to succeed…
Begin before you’re ready (that doesn’t spend more time on research beyond the basics to get started. Just Show Up)
Stay Primitive (that is, keep things on the primal, earthy, and emotional plane rather than thinking too logically at this point. Keep It Simple)
Start at the End (visualize where you want to go, then work backward from there)
And always remember that your internal dialogue, your chatter, your “monkey mind talk” is nothing more than Resistance.
Above all, it helps to remember that Resistance arises as a second force in opposition to your actions you take to improve yourself.
You need to be committed.
You need to not think too much.
You need to Show Up.
Hope this helps.
P.s. If you’ve “tried it on your own” and fallen off the wagon more times than you can count.
We can help.
Get the Coaching, support, accountability, and plan to get the results you want.
Click Here=>Fast Start Consult
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