Fort Worth Personal Trainers: RAPID-FAT-LOSS Lactic Acid Bodyweight Circuit (Your Weekend VIDEO Workout)
Happy Friday!
I’ve got a pre-Halloween workout for you that will get you in shape so fast it’s Spooky.
What is Lactic Acid?
When you hear old-school instructors say “Feel the BURN!?!?”
Lactic acid is the “the burn” you feel.
The better you get at managing your pace and intensity the more in control you’ll feel when you’re training.
This workout is designed to put you in that “burn” state and keep you there.
It’s uncomfortable so expect that, but not so uncomfortable you need to stop.
You have to learn to manage the discomfort without panicking or stopping.
Expect to be at around a 6 to 8/9 on the Perceived Exertion Scale the entire workout.
You CAN do this.
P.s. If you’re waiting for a sign to get started this is it…
Click Here=>Fast Start Consult
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