Fort Worth Personal Training: Don’t Forget the Second Step (VIDEO)
Seth Godin is a thought leader and business coach I follow regularly.
Wanted to share his post today.
He points out what most miss especially when it comes to losing weight, getting into shape, and improving our eating.
Don’t forget the second step
“The first step is learning how to do it.
Finding and obtaining the insight and the tools and the techniques you need.
Understanding how it works.
But step two is easily overlooked. Step two is turning it into a habit. Committing to the practice.
Showing up and doing it again and again until you’re good at it, and until it’s part of who you are and what you do.
Most education, most hardware stores, most technology purchases, most doctor visits, most textbooks are about the first step.
What a shame that we don’t invest just a little more to turn the work into a habit.”
-Seth Godin
Read this sentence again…
“Showing up and doing it again and again until you’re good at it, and until it’s part of who you are and what you do.”
That’s THE critical decision when you’re getting started and need to drop weight, get to the gym, change your eating habits.
The first step is simple.
For example to get started exercising you can go out your front door and walk for 20min.
The second step walking out that door 3 times a week for the next 30 years is the hard part….
And it’s nearly impossible for an adult with a busy life and kids, and spouses, and aging parents, and careers, and bosses, and unsupportive friends pulling you in every direction while demanding your time and brain power.
That’s the REAL Power of the 4th Pillar of the Body Firm Program.
#4 Providing the coaching, support, and accountability you need to get the results and habits you want.
Because you’ve got to get ENOUGH repetitions of your new habit so it becomes your habit.
This IS that critical SECOND STEP…
“Showing up and doing it again and again until you’re good at it, and until it’s part of who you are and what you do.”
The first step is easy.
It’s you taking the second step that makes all the difference.
It CAN be done and YOU can do it!
Click the Video to Play
P.s.If you’re tired of being tired, weak, overweight, ready to make a change for the better=?
I can help.
Get the coaching, workouts, consistency, accountability, and support you need to finally get the results you want.
Click Here=>Fast Start Consult
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