21 Day Challenge results are coming in. Looks like we’re going to have some competition for the 3 Free months of Boot Camp.
I stressed to every Challenger that Big Changes = Big Results.
The more big moves they made with their diet the more dramatic their results would be. Again and again this is the best formula for fast results you can see in the mirror and on the scale.
Rocco – Down 10lbs, lost 2ins in his waist, and 6-1/2ins overall
Rocco W., 25 is an Elementary teacher. He’s leading, educating, and coaching kids all day. But, when it came to his fitness he kept hitting a wall. He came in wanting to get a jump start on his program. He told me that the “try it on my own” just wasn’t working for him. He kept starting and stopping by himself. Never really getting any traction and that was frustrating to him.
He cut out soft drinks right away and minimized his fast food habit. Working out at a set time and with a group gave him the accountability and support he needed to get the job done. What you can’t tell in these picture this guy is hard as a rock. There are advantages to being 25. In less than 21 days he want from soft and doughy to tight and toned up.
That’s a win in my book.
Joyce Munday- Lost 11lbs, 9ins. overall, dropped from 48% to 43% Bodyfat in only 21 days!
Take a look at the picture above. Joyce Munday may look like you average mom. Inside she’s got the gut’s, bravery, and determination of a 21 year old Combat Marine. This lady came in to win.
When we meet she told me here biggest fear was being the “oldest and fattest in the bootcamp. I’ve literally done no exercise in the last 20years!”, she said. I reassured her she was in the right place. This program is designed to take you from overeweight and out of shape to leaner and fitter in minimal time.
She kicked here program off with me during one of the Pay It Forward Saturday Bootcamps. She couldn’t do everything but she did what she could, and that’s what matters.
When we meet I also found out she’s a professional chef. She’s around food all day! On here day’s off her husband pursue some of the best food in Fort Worth. I stressed that Diet would deliver 85% of her results. I wanted her to focus, focus, focus on the nutrition and not even think about the exercise. Just by showing up to Bootcamp the exercise would take care of itself.
Just like Rocco she made some big moves on here diet. She stopped drinking 4-5 Diet Cokes a day. She cut it down to 1 a day. Added fruit into here morning and went to salads for lunch and supplemented with protein drinks.
Her goal now is to get 20 pounds off by Christmas. You’ll be seeing more success tips from this lady real soon.
What’s the take away for you-
1. Big Diet Changes= Big Visible Results- They both eliminated soft drinks, eliminated fast food, minimized processed foods and concentrated on changing their daily eating habits. And, they did this consistently.
2. Goals and Action-It doesn’t take long to get into shape. They both set challenging yet realistic goals for themselves. And got to work on doing the things necessary to make those goals a reality. A focused effort can do wonders, and give you much needed traction. You can drop significant weight, burn a lot of fat, look better fast and feel a lot better in less than 3 weeks!
3. Stick with the basics-The principles remain the same– 30 year difference between the two challengers above-same great results because they applied the basics. They both made big moves in their diets(both eliminating soft drinks), they showed up consistently(Consistency counts- the more you train the faster you adapt, you eat better too, the faster you see results).
Kick these 3 tips into your own program and expect crazy results like these two.
If you want a super Kick-Start join me for the Inaugural Turkey-Buster Workouts-Details are here-Burn the Fat Feed the Hungry
Talk soon,
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