Is Sugar Toxic?
Well a whole lot of very smart and important people are starting to think it is. Here’s a link to the NY Times Story that will make you think==>Is Sugar Toxic?
What’s so hard to wrap your head around is that it might be true.
It’s like when you see the neighbors interviewed when a guy has had some kind of homemade prison serial murder thing going on “He seemed so nice. I can’t believe he did that. He seemed so harmless”
Could sugar be that toxic? A poison that our moms sprinkled on our cereal?
I don’t know if it’s a poison but I do know(especially from my Stop The Confusion Grocery Store Tour) that there’s A TON of it in a lot of foods. If a picture is worth a Thousand words-here you go. Proceed with caution.
4.2 gms = 1 teaspoon of sugar so this looks like 1 cube is about the same!
We know the facts, but this brings it into perspective quickly, doesn’t it?
Each cube is a teaspoonful.
Each cube is a teaspoonful.
Dang McDonalds! What happened?
Talk soon.
P.s. Thanks to Tanya Fedniak for forwarding these images to me.
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