Happy Friday!
Between Monday and Wednesday I started 5 new coaching clients out.
In the first week.
One was called out of town for business.
One had to go to the hospital to stay with her father who suffered a heart attack.
The third got hit by a nasty bug that’s going around and spent 3 days in bed.
The other 2 starters are doing great.
And this is normal….
I’ve seen clients in their first month of coaching, go through a sudden divorce, change jobs, emergency surgery.
You name it and they all come out in the end doing fine.
EVERYTHING is hard in the beginning.
There will ALWAYS be problems.
There will ALWAYS be obstacles and disruptions.
No smooth roads.
No straight shots.
Maybe, just maybe if you’re lucky. You’ll get a break from life once in a while.
But don’t bet on obstacles not being thrown in your path.
Just expect it.
And keep moving.
Your first workout will be somewhat of a death march, nearly always, no matter how you ease yourself into it.
But your second workout will be much better and you’ll be able to do more.
Whatever your weight loss or fitness goal is. Expect problems and speed bumps even the roadblock or two to come up.
It’s all part of the game.
Here’s your weekend Metabolic Maximizer Workout.
100’s Are Always FUN!
Get 100 reps, no matter what
of each exercise.
You can do 5 sets of 20
4 sets of 25
2 of 50
doesn’t matter.
Just hit 100 reps of each exercise.
1. Body weight Squats
2. Push ups
3. Jumping Jacks
1. Lunges (50 per leg)
2. Close grip push ups
3. Mountain Climber
(50 per side)
1. Squat jumps
2. Wide Grip Push ups
3. Abdominal thrusters
900 total reps and
Have a great weekend!
Talk soon.
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