So here’s something interesting:
According to, a recent study found that people who drank more often, tend to exercise more often as well. Moderate and heavy drinkers were more likely to report vigorous exercise than non-drinkers, and logged in 10-20 more minutes of exercise per week.
Its an interesting link, as exercise is a healthy activity, and drinking, as a whole, exercise is thought to be unhealthy. Generally, we think people make primarily healthy or unhealthy decisions- which is why it always blows me away when I see people leave the gym and light up a cigarette. Researchers attributed the connection to drinkers looking to counteract all those mojito calories with exercise, and that those who exercised more often tended to be people who were out going and adventurous, which leads to a more social and active lifestyle.
I think it would be interesting to know the motivation: if it truly were because they are trying to counteract the calories of drinking, or if they are two completely separate issues. I would think that after a night out, the last thing most people want to do is go for a run, but then again, its all about balance and the way you live your life.
So what about you? What kind of drinker (or non-drinker) would you classify yourself as, and do you exercise out of consequence, or do you just live a work hard/play hard lifestyle?
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