Fort Worth Personal Trainers: The WHOOOSH Effect and Your Weight Loss Results (VIDEO)
Hope you’re having a great day!
“Success comes in spurts. You’ll do all this work and feel like you’re getting nothing and nowhere…nothing, nothing, nothing…and then suddenly, WHOOOOOSH. Success. It comes in spurts.”
That’s a great quote from one of my coaches Craig Ballyntyne.
I was so grateful when he said that because I ‘d tried to convey that to so many of my clients.
I’ve talked about this before and it’s worth repeating….
Yes, fast visible results that you can see in you clothes, on the scale and in the mirror.
This is definitely the goal. When you’re goal is to lose fat and get in shape.
The problem is there’s a good chance you’re going to experience what we call “Success spurts”.
This is where you’re going to literally work your tail off in the gym and in the kitchen for weeks with no visible return on your investment.
This is what we call “The Dip”.
The dip is that space between where you start taking action towards a goal, and the goal being realized.
And The Dip is HARD. And the Dip is REAL. And it will most likely happen to you.
You’re going to feel like a failure.
Not a pound, not an inch, “I don’t look or feel any different”.
Then one day you will wake up.
Look in the mirror.
And you look different.
Somethings happening.
You get on the scale and it’s down 2lbs from the day before.
You pull your pants up and they fall right back off.
You see muscles you didn’t know you had.
You walk by a co-worker and they ask “Hey, have you been working out?”
That’s the WHOOOOSH Effect!
THIS is how it works.
It happens all the time.
Everyone. And I mean everyone will struggle through for a time.
You don’t hear about the struggles and failures as much but it’s always there.
You need to remember this.
You absolutely cannot improve your diet and kick in a good fat loss exercise program and NOT see results.
The pounds may not come off as fast as you want them but they will come off.
You just have to keep going….
How do you best ensure that you’ll make it through the rough patches?
Social Support. Is THE Answer.
The greatest gift you can give yourself is making sure you have a ton of support to see you through the days you struggle.
Getting around like minded people that want to eat well and feel good.
Grabbing a friend to go work out with.
Enlisting a co-worker to be your healthy lunch buddy.
You will have those days.
It’s completely part of the deal.
But you must keep in mind. You will succeed.
You just have to keep going….
It CAN be done and You can do it.
Click the Video to Play.
Talk soon.
P.s.Don’t wait until it’s too late to get your body back fast. I can help you.
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