“What’s interesting and instructive is those who are unabashed, who are quickly resilient, who achieve redemption, who have a greater and grander next act.Over the long haul, this ‘resiliency’ may be the single most important of all personal characteristics.
How well you can take a punch. How quickly you can recover. How you can weather storms of criticism or humiliation. How adept you are at reinvention. How courageously and creatively you respond to difficulty. If you want to cultivate a characteristic, this is the one.
And one way to do it is with little stuff. The day to day. A lot of people are easily derailed. Easily put into a funk lasting hours or even days. Easily compromise their agenda. The breeze from a missed punch is sufficient to send them to the canvas. They wonder why they don’t get more accomplished. It’s “their glass jaw.”
– Dan Kennedy
It’s a Monday at the end of Summer. Did you fall off the wagon this weekend, this month, this year?
Your ability to bounce back is essential to your fitness success.
Because you are going to have a bad eating day, week or even month.
There’s a 100% chance you’re going to miss workouts.
And you are going to be around people who are going to tell you it can’t be done.
And just like Dan says it’s in the little stuff that you stay on track with.
You’ve got to practice bouncing back.
And the faster the better.
You don’t let a breakfast of donuts throw your entire eating that day. You get back on track by lunch, you’re following your plan, you’re hitting your marks.
You don’t let falling off the exercise wagon for a week or two during vacation turn into a month then two then a year of missed workouts.
The classic “I missed a week and never went back” story will guarantee you a “then I gained 30 pounds” ending.
Let today be your day to take on every speed bump, pot hole, detour and missed exit on your path in stride.
It’s your head that lets your body down. Not the other way around.
If you’re off track try to get back quickly by…
Fitting in a workout. Fitting in a workout, even a short one, will help you feel energized, get you motivated, help you get back in the habit, and eat better.
Drink your water. Eight 8-ounces of water a day is the goal to shoot for. Start chugging right now. It will keep you full and help you feel detoxified, cleansing your system of the yucky crap you’ve been eating.
Track your food for the day. It will clue you in to how you’ve been eating up until now and give you an extra kick in the butt to make healthy decisions the rest of the day.
Go shopping. Go to the store and stock your kitchen with tons of healthy foods. Having them right in your face willhave you reaching from them before anything else and you will surrounding yourself with a healthy environment.
Throw away the junk food. Get the junk food out of the house. No more.
Resiliency is a habit that can be learned by practicing it over time.
Quick recovery from the inevitable missteps, setbacks, and outright failures.
If there’s one habit that you willfully, forcefully develop, let this be the one!
Get back on track.
Today is your day.
Let nothing stop you.
Talk soon.
P.s.If you’ve been off track for a while and have 20-30 even 50 pounds or more to lose. It’s time. TO request a Fast-Start Phone Consult Click Here=>Fast Start Consult or call Meghan at the office 817-320-0743 she can help you.
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