Do you envy those people who can eat whatever they want, never work out, and don’t gain a pound?
Don’t turn green just yet.
Just because someone appears to be at a healthy weight, doesn’t mean that they are healthy. You may have heard the term “skinny fat” and it refers to people who are “thin” but due to lack of proper nutrition and exercise, they are technically over-fat.
No matter what your weight, you can still be unfit and over-fat. The sedentary lifestyle many Americans lead doesn’t only negatively effect the obese, but also the thin. A person that appears to be lean can actually have a higher body fat percentage than someone that is classified as overweight.
Who cares? Not, disease, that’s for sure.
Over weight people are not unhealthy simply because they are over weight. Being over weight is one side effect of an unhealthy lifestyle- just like heart disease, high cholesterol and diabetes are side effects of an unhealthy lifestyle.
Everyone has to exercise. Everyone needs to eat nutritious foods.
Next time you see that skinny girl eating a hamburger, saying, “Oh, I don’t exercise, I’m just naturally thin,” don’t envy her. Feel sorry for her. Feel proud of yourself. And perhaps offer her a bite of your salad.
In Good Health,
Kelly Turner
Kelly Turner is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and health and fitness writer from Seattle, WA. Her writing has appeared in numerous magazines, and she currently blogs for Breathe Magazine, is the Health and Fitness Expert for and feature fitness writer for To contact Kelly with any questions, you email her at
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