How Sally Joslin dropped 30lbs (see below)
Here are some of the most popular Blog posts from 2010. Hope you find something that helps you reach your goals in 2011 faster than ever before.
1. How Sally Dropped 30 Pounds(Her 7 Day Food Journal– Sally has lost 36 pounds total now. She’s lean because of her great eating habits. Check out her food journal to see exactly what she’s doing right. You can do it too!
2. How Christina Dropped 17lbs and 16ins(7 Day Food Journal)-Christina came in after seeing her friend Ryan M(see below) lose so much weight with our program. She was frustrated with the extra weight she’d gained after her second baby and was ready to get her body back. Check out her awesome food journal and model it if you want fantastic results like she has.
3. Ryan Lost 23 Pounds in 8 Weeks with these 3 Tips -Ryan moved what I call the “Big Rocks” first and got down to his High school weight in 8 weeks. Find out what the Big 3 are in this post.
4. In only 21 Day’s Challenge Results– Big changes equal big results. Whether you’re in your 20’s and just need a kick start. Or if you’re in you’re 50’s and haven’t worked out in 20 years. The principles remain the same.
5. How Stephanie Lost 20lbs, 21ins overall, 6ins in Her Waist Alone! and Her Ooops!… Moment– Stephanie Fintzel came in after her first 4 weeks in bootcamps and has lost a total of “0” pounds and “0” inches! Oooops! The next month she did one thing different and the weight and inches started dropping off her. Find out what that one thing Stephanie did so you can avoid the same problem.
2 Lessons here from the stories above.
1. Nutrition First– Every client that get’s great results concentrates on their diets first. The first 2 stories alone should show you how powerful journaling your food can be. All of these clients also cut out the Big 2 -Soft drinks(diet too) and Fast Food. Just getting these two habits out of your diet will go a long way to getting you results.
2. Progress not Perfection-Too many people that really need it, are too intimidated to start a fat loss program. They think “If I can’t be perfect why try?” and that’s nothing but headtrash. Every one of these clients above made mistakes in their diets here and there. But they kept going. They just stayed with it. Stephanie made the #1 mistake most clients make, fixed it and bounced right back to a 20 pound loss. You’re looking for day to day progress. Eating breakfast conistently, drinking more water, more fruits and vegetables than hamburgers and fries-progress not perfection.
I hope you have some big goals for 2011. This is your year!
Talk soon,
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